Isaiah Rider and Bad Trades
As a Kid I loved Isaiah Rider! From the moment in his rookie year when he revolutionized the Dunk Contest in 1994 with the East Bay Funk Dunk. Nine Year Old me sat mouth agape along with the rest of the basketball world as Rider was the first person to bring the "street dunk" to the NBA. Yes we had Free Throw Line Dunks, 360's, Reverses, Tomahawks and Windmills. However, Rider was the first person to go between the legs in mid air before throwing it down with authority, While this dunk is now commonplace in dunk contests around the globe at the time it really opened the eyes of the world to the creativity dunking could allow. The nine year old me that night sat transfixed convinced I was witnessing the arrival of the next Michael Jordan ( I will pause while you laugh.). That night I was "all in" on Isaiah "JR" Rider before I even knew what "all in" meant. That Monday on the playground I realized I was one of the few allowed to stay...